Curcumin-based anticancer drug delivery

Andrii Bazylevich, Chemical Sciences, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel (

Since ancient times curcumin (CMN), the yellowish-orange pigment from turmeric, has been used as a natural substance with diverse curable merits. Its biological and chemical properties have been extensively investigated by scientists yielding many publications on treatments for a variety of diseases, including cancer, inflammation and Alzheimer. Here we present a development of novel anticancer curcuminoids and biolable curcumin (CMN) drug loaded platforms for delivery applications to treat cancer. When linked to the drug by one side and to the given carrier (peptide) by another, these platforms are likely to provide combined cytotoxic effect (drug + curcuminoid). The leading curcuminoid presented antioxidant activity similar to curcumin but with increased cytotoxicity in vitro in agreement with the augmented blockage of the NF-kB cell survival pathway. In addition, the ON-OFF switchable fluorescein-CMN platform for visualization of curcumin release will be presented.

Abstract Reference & Short Personal Biography of Presenting Author

PhD student; lab of Prof. Gary Gellerman, dep. of chemical sciences, Ariel University.

Abstract ref:

  1. A. Bazylevich, L. D. Patsenker G. Gellerman. Exploiting Fluorescein Based Drug Conjugates for Fluorescent Monitoring in Drug Delivery, Dyes and Pigments 2017, 139, 460-472.
  2. A. Bazylevich, H. Tuchinsky, E. Zigman-Hoffman, R. Weissman, O. Shpilberg, O. Hershkovitz-Rokah, L. Patsenker, G. Gellerman. Synthesis and biological studies of new multifunctional curcumin platforms for anticancer drug delivery. Med. Chem. 2018, DOI: 10.2174/1573406415666181203112220.

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