Controled Release Mechanisem for Drug/Chemical Delivery

Eran Macover, Management, Eran Technologies Ltd., Nahalal, Israel

Parylene polymers have long been knowen to be the "head of the spear" regarding its Phisical, Chemical, electrical, medical and mechanical capabilities.

Being an FDA/CE approverd for in body plantation, consumption and touch -- Parylene is a single biological unmatched sourch as a protective coating - especially sealer for the devices that it coats.

It is for this reason that all conventional users are using its capabilities  for sealing and turning non-FDA approved to FDA approved devices.

We took the oposit direction and claim that in light of the fact that this coating is swallowable and it turnes a cpsule (for instance) into a non disolvable item - we are "puncturing the coating" hens turning the capsule  (based upon the diameter and quantity of the holes) into a slow/controled release mechanisem.

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