Partial Substitution of Powdered Milk with Peanut Milk in the Production of Yoghurt

Pascal NSAMBU, Agronomic, Evangelical University in Africa, BUKAVU, Democratic Republic of Congo

Introduction. Yogurt is part of the family of the fermented milk obtained by the development of lactic bacteria (streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus Bulgaricus) that are to be seeded simultaneously.

Materials and Methods. Plant material was composed of peanut buy at the market. Peanut milk was extracted in the laboratory. This milk was used as raw material for the production of yogurt. Yoghurt, a dairy food fermented with specific bacteria of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus was processed at 40 °C for 4 hours from reconstituted powdered milk containing up to 15 or 20% peanut milk. Yoghurts were obtained from peanut milk prepared as followed: Beans were soaked in tap water (P/V= 1/5) for 18 hours, preheated by soaking for 20 seconds in hot water (100 °C), ground and homogenized in boiling water (P/V= 1/7).

Results. Physicochemical analysis showed that yoghurts containing peanut milk were comparable with reconstituted powdered milk yoghurt in titratable acidity, in pH and richer in protein, ash and nitrogen than reconstituted powdered milk yoghurt. Sensory evaluation showed no significant difference between yoghurts containing peanut milk and reconstituted powdered milk yoghurt in aroma, in texture and in taste, but the yoghurt containing the peanut milk had the best colour and was overall accepted by panellists.

Conclusions. The results obtained show that the reconstituted milk powder can be replaced by 20% peanut milk to produce a good quality yoghurt.


1.       FAO, Lait et les produits laitiers dans la nutrition humaine- Laits de consummation, 2008

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