Accelerating Drug Development, QC & Manufacturing with new Technologies in Molecular Spectroscopy.
Jan Wuelfken, Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany (
This talk will describe newest breakthrough technologies and applications of UV-Vis, Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy in Pharma. This will include use of Raman for raw materials verification of incoming goods through unopened non-transparent Containers materials to streamline the drug manufacturing process and the use of transmission Raman as an alternative to UPHPLC for content uniformity studies. Furthermore, use of a next generation IR instrument using a quantum cascade laser will be described for chemical imaging studies including analysis of tablet component distribution, polymorph distribution, salt exchange and stability studies. New breakthrough technologies for ultra-fast and productive protein folding, DNA melting and other temperature related UV-Vis measurements will end this overview.
Short Biography of Presenting Author
Dr. Jan Wülfken is product specialist for molecular spectroscopy for Agilent Technologies. This includes different instrumentation like Raman, FTIR, UV-Vis/NIR and Fluorescence spectroscopy.