Conjugated: Engineered-micelles. A novel technique to purify dimeric IgA

Thisara Jayawickrama Withanage, Chemical Sciences, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel (
Guy Patchornik, Chemical Sciences, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel
Mitra Lal, Chemical Sciences, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel
Ellen Wachtel, Faculty Of Chemistry, Weizmann Institute Of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Conjugated: Engineered-micelles

A novel technique to purify dimeric IgA

Thisara Jayawickrama Withanage 1, Mitra Lal 1, Ellen Wachtel 2 and Guy Patchornik 1*

1 Dept. of Chemical Sciences, Ariel University, Israel.

2 Faculty of Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.

We introduce a new concept and a potentially general platform for purification of IgA antibodies that does not rely on chromatography nor specific ligands; rather, makes use of detergent aggregates capable of efficiently capturing IgA's while rejecting hydrophilic impurities. Purification is performed at close to neutrality (pH 6.5-7) thereby avoiding exposure of IgA's to harsh acidic conditions. IgA's are recovered in good yields (>81-91%, by densitometry), high purity (>95%, by SDS-PAGE), preserve their secondary structure (by circular dichroism, CD) and do not aggregate (by dynamic ligand scattering, DLS). The aggregates studied consist of conjugated "Engineeredmicelles" built from nonionic detergents (e.g., Tween or Brij), the hydrophobic chelator, bathophenanthroline and Fe2+ ions. Process upscaling (x50) is not affecting yield or purity of the recovered IgA's and requires only proportional increase of all reagents.

Short Biography of Presenting Author

I am PhD student at Ariel University.

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