Pushing the Boundaries of Science with Multi Reflecting Time of Flight Technology

Jayne Kirk, Waters Corporation, Manchester, UK (jayne_kirk@waters.com)
Richard Lock, Waters Corporation, Manchester, Uk

The Xevo MRT mass spectrometer is a next generation, compact benchtop QTof, that brings together the high sensitivity of the robust Xevo TQ Absolute system, with the innovative, multi-reflecting time of flight technology pioneered in the SELECT SERIES MRT MS. The instrument developments enable the Xevo MRT to operate at full sensitivity and full mass resolution independently of acquisition rate, delivering performance and speed without compromise.

The presentation will focus on the game-changing technology behind the Xevo MRT and the total system solution including informatics and data processing with industry leading third party software packages. We’ll describe a flexible data workflow and pipeline strategy using representative samples from a comprehensive lipidomics and metabolomics experiment, connecting the highest quality data with best-in-class informatics. 

Metabolomic and lipidomic samples including plasma, serum, and urine were analysed using LC-MS in DDA and DIA mode, at fast acquisition rates. Subsequent data were converted, at the point of acquisition, into generic mzML format via the in-house data conversion tool, DATA Convert, for processing with multiple third-party informatics. The Xevo MRT MS encompasses a range of new technology including a new collision cell and transfer optic design that enables simultaneous high sensitivity & resolution, a gridless Tof design - highly folded 4m flight path in compact 0.65m x 0.4m analyzer that achieves a resolution up to 100k (FWHM) and novel acquisition system with dual gain analogue-to-digital converter ensuring a stable response, covering a wide dynamic range for long periods of time. Lipidomic data were processed using Lipostar 2 (Mass Analytica), with statistical analysis performed to establish sample groupings and identify lipids through database searching and pathway profiling. 

The Xevo MRT MS unlocks a new level of confidence for metabolic profiling and discovery, improving productivity and delivering high-quality experimental outcomes for your high-throughput LC-MS workflows and data pipelining. 

Short Biography of Presenting Author

Jayne Kirk Ph.D.

Principal Consulting Product Manager, Waters Corporation

Jayne is a Product Marketing Manager at Waters with over 20 years’ experience in LC/MS instrumentation, technologies and software.

She graduated from York University, UK, with a PhD in Analytical Chemistry and has previously held several scientific roles at Waters, developing applications and supporting customers.

Her passion for
 product development and translating technical information into impactful scientific messaging was the driving force behind Jayne’s move to product management. 

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