The Role of Ammonia and Its Reduction Byproducts Analysis in Novel Electrocatalytic Processes

Alex Schechter, Chemical Sciences, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel (

Ammonia production by electrocatalytic processes is emerging as a promising and sustainable alternative to the highly energy-demanding and polluting Haber-Bosch process. This shift not only addresses environmental concerns but also opens up new possibilities for ammonia's role as an excellent hydrogen carrier (17% wt.) for renewable energy CO2-free applications. Our labs have developed several novel approaches for the design of catalyst materials and relevant processes from N2, NO3- and nitrogen sources. However, electrochemical ammonia formation is slow, yielding relatively low concentrations of ammonia at low faradaic efficiency. To address this, we have developed methods for quantifying low concentrations of ammonia and its by-products. A comparative study of cross interferences among various cross-influences on the detection of ammonia in the presence of NO3-, NO2-, and NH2OH using colorimetric spectral methods and electrochemical will be presented, shedding light on the potential of electrocatalytic ammonia production. 

Short Biography of Presenting Author

Prof. Alex Schechter is the head of the fuel cell and electrochemistry laboratory at Ariel University (AU). He is well recognized as one of the leading scientists in fuel cell materials devices in Israel, the founder and former director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Hydride Energy Sources, and the head of the international R&D Centre for Renewable Energy (Israel& Czech Republic). He is leading a group of about 10 investigators, including postdocs and Ph.D./M.Sc.  students, and lab engineers. Prof. Schechter has vast experience in energy storage technologies gained in a number of R&D awarded projects relevant to this proposal, which covers a broad range of areas, including catalysts and design-optimization of fuel cells and electrolyzes for hydrogen and ammonia.

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