
Day 1 – April 5 2016

09:15-09:30 Greetings
Plenary Session
Prof. Toshio Suda Hematopoiesis in Steady State and Under Stress
Toshio Suda M.D. PhD
Kumamoto University, Japan
10:10-10:20 Poster Teasers
10:20-10:50 coffee  Coffee Break and Poster Session
10:50 -12:30 Hall A Hall B Hall C Hall D
The Biology of Pluripotency Hematopoietic and Mesenchymal Stem Cells Commercialization of Stem Cells Initiatives Stem Cell Applications in Neural Degenerative Diseases
Chair: Adi Kimchi Chair: Tsvee Lapidot Chair: Shai Yarkoni Chair: Michel Revel
10:50 -11:10 Cap-Independent Protein Translation Controls Cell Fate Decisions in Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Adi Kimchi
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Israel Flag
Metabolic Regulation of Blood and Bone Forming Stem Cells: the Role of ROS and Nitric Oxide
Tsvee Lapidot
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Israel Flag

Catalyzing Company Development by Exploiting Stem Cell Research Services and Technologies Developed Through Public Private Partnerships – A Danish Perspective
Bjørn Holst
Bioneer, Denmark 

Customised Single-Use-Bioreactor for Stem Cell Cultivation
Per Stobbe

PerfuseCell, Denmark

Commercialization of Stem Cell Therapy
Brian Mehling
Blue Horizon International, USA

"Cellect Inside" – the Way to Develop Disruptive Technology
Tal Almog
Cellectbio, Israel

Israel Flag

The commercialization session will bring together KOLs from Denmark, Belgium, US and Israel to discuss different types of ventures and their adaptability to stem cells technologies: Disruptive technologies, innovative products, services and combinations. Company presentations will be followed by panel discussion on the special features typical to cell (and stem cells in particular) based commercialization



Basic Aspects of Translational Issues in Cell Therapy to the CNS
Tamir Ben Hur
Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Israel
Israel Flag
11:10 -11:30 Using Patients' Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes for Investigating Inherited Cardiac Pathologies
Ofer Binah

Technion, Israel
Israel Flag
Vascular Stem Cell Niches
Eli Keshet
Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Israel
Israel Flag
Intrathecal Transplantation of Human Astrocytes Attenuates Clinical Symptoms in SOD1G93A ALS Rat Model
Michal Izrael
Kadimastem Ltd., Israel
Israel Flag
11:30 -11:50 Molecular Mechanisms for Inducing and Resolving Pluripotency
Jacob Hanna
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Israel Flag
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Sensing Mechanical Cues at Microenvironment
Dafna Benayahu
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Israel Flag
Safety and Clinical Effects of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Secreting Neurotrophic Factor Transplantation in Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosi
Yael Gothelf
BrainSTorm-Cell Therapeutics Ltd., Israel
Israel Flag
11:50 -12:10 Pluripotent Genes and Pediatric Cancer Formation
Achia Urbach
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Israel Flag
Transcription-Factors are Driving to Normal and Malignat Stem Cells
Roi Gazit
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Israel Flag
Enhancement of Hippocampal Neurogenesis in the Adult and Aged Brain via Conditional Manipulations of the Vascular Stem Cell Niche
Tamar Licht
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag
12:10 -12:30 Complete Nuclear Reprogramming Independently of Pluripotency
Yossi Buganim
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag
Live Imaging of Multipotent Angioblasts Reveals New Mechanisms of Vascular Formation
Karina Yaniv
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Israel Flag
Comments on Stem cells in ALS therapy
Michel Revel
Kadimastem Ltd., Israel
Israel Flag
12:30 -12:45 Annual Meeting of the ISCS
12:30 -13:30 lunch  Lunch break
  Hall A Hall B Hall C Hall D
  Tissue Regeneration and Stem Cells Stem Cells in Neurobiology Cancer Immunotherapy Drug Discovery and Disease Modeling
13:30 -15:10
Chair: Raphael Gorodetsky Chair: Benjamin E. Reubinoff Chair: Michal Besser Chair: Arik Hasson
13:30 -13:50 Treatment with Isolated Subpopulation of Potent Human Derived Expanded Placental Stromal Cells (hPSC) for Mitigation of Radiation Effects and for Regenerative Medicine
Raphael Gorodetsky
Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Israel
Israel Flag
Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Towards Clinical Applications
Benjamin Reubinoff
Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Israel
Israel Flag
Adoptive Cell Therapy for Cancer
Michal Besser
Sheba Medical Center, Israel
Israel Flag
Novel Approach for Personalized Medicine of Rare Diseases
Miguel Weil
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Israel Flag
13:50 -14:10 The Dark Side of the Force: Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Cardiac Inflammation and Fibrosis
Yoni Leor
Sheba Medical Center, Israel
Israel Flag
Molecular and Functional Deficiencies in Fragile X Neurons Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Dalit Ben-Yosef
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Israel
Israel Flag
Personalized T Cell-Based Immunotherapy Targeting Neoantigens for Advanced Cancer Treatment
Cyrille Cohen
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Israel Flag
The Use of Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Cardiac Myocytes for Disease Modeling and Drug Screening
Naim Shaheen
Technion, Israel
Israel Flag
14:10 -14:30 Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and Their Secreted Exosomes Exert Therapeutic Impact in Brain Tumors and Degenerative Diseases va the Delivery of Non-Coding RNAS
Chaya Brodie
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Israel Flag
Streamlined Derivation of Cortical Fates From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Allows Standardized Modeling of Development and Disease
Yechiel Elkabetz
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Israel Flag
New Genes for Improving Safety and Clinical Efficacy of Adoptive T Cell Transfer in Cancer Immunotherapy
Gidi Gross

Migal, Israel
Israel Flag
Modeling Neuroendcrinological Disorders Using a Novel iPSC-Based Blood Brain Barrier-on-Chip
Gad Vatine
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA

14:30 -14:50 A Novel Approach for Llung Regeneration by Lung Progenitors Following Clearance of the Lung Niche
Chava Rosen
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Israel Flag
Life-Long Hippocampal Neurogenesis is Controlled by the Immune System through Unique Brain's Borders: Implications to Age-Related Dementia
Michal Schwartz
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Israel Flag
Fighting Cancer by Mimicking the Immune System
Mira Peled-Kamar

Applied Immune Technology (AIT), Israel
Israel Flag
Colony Forming Unites - Endothelial Progenitor Cells (CFU-EPCs) – A Surrogate Marker for Diabetic Retinopathy and High Cardiovascular Mortality
Arnon Blum
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Israel Flag
14:50 -15:10 Oral Mucosa Derived Stem Cell Cells: From Basic Science to Translational Studies
Sandu Pitaru
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Israel Flag
Long Lasting Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in BTBR Autism Model in Mice
Danni Offen
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Israel Flag
A Novel Method for Enhancing Ex Vivo Expansion of Immunotherapeutic Gamma Delta T Cells
Ilan Bank
Sheba Medical Center and Gammacell Biotechnologies, Israel
Israel Flag
Identification of Function-Specific Pancreatic Progenitors by Cell-Based Proteomics
Yoav Soen
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Israel Flag
15:10 -15:40 coffee  Coffee Break
15:40 -16:20
Plenary Session
Patrick McNutt Photo Functional Neurogenesis in a Dish: Deriving Human and Mouse Networked Neuron Cultures for Therapeutic Screening and Regenerative Therapies
Patrick McNutt PhD
United States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, USA

16:20 -16:30 Poster Teasers
16:30 -17:30 Happy Hour
Day1 Day2 Poster Session

Day 2 – April 6 2016

Plenary Session

Michael May

CCRM: Regenerative Medicine Commercialization Through Global Collaboration
Michael May, PhD

Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine, Canada
10:10-10:40 coffee  Coffee Break and Poster Session
10:40 -12:20 Hall A Hall B Hall C Hall D
Stem cells in Tissue Engineering Pluripotent Stem Cells in Disease Regulation, Quality and Clinical Development Stem Cell Applications in Metabolic Diseases
Chair: Smadar Cohen Chair: Nissim Benvenisty Chair: Sigalit Ariely-Portnoy Chair: Yuval Dor
10:40 -11:00 Stem Cells in Tissue Engineering
Smadar Cohen
Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Israel Flag
Haploid Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Nissim Benvenisty
The Hebrew University, Israel
Israel Flag
Cell Therapy Submissions in Europe: Successes and Failures
Marcos Timon
AEMPS, Spain
Cell Therapy for Diabetes: Human Embryonic Stem-Cells Derived Functional Insulin Producing Cells
Kfir Molakandon
Kadimastem Ltd., Israel
Israel Flag
11:00 -11:20 Regulation of Cardiomyocyte Differentiation and Dedifferentiation Induced by Varying Matrix Rigidity
Benny Geiger
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Israel Flag
The Origin, Fate & Regulation of Stem Cells of the Corneal Epithelium: Lessons from iPS Cells and Lineage Tracing
Ruby Shalom
Technion, Israel
Israel Flag
Cell Therapy Products: Israeli MOH - Regulatory Update
Ofra Axelrod
MOH, Israel
Israel Flag
Beta-Cell Replication: the Role of the Pancreatic Microenvironment
Limor Landman
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Israel Flag
11:20 -11:40 The Matrix Reloaded: Engineering Functioning Tissue using Nature’s Building Blocks
Marcelle Machluf
Technion, Israel
Israel Flag
Using Patient-Specific Fibroblasts and iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes to Probe Monogenic Heart Diseases
Rivka Ofir
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Israel Flag
Conclusions from Case studies: 10 Points to Consider when Developing a Cell Therapy Product
Diana Gershtein
GSAP, Israel
Israel Flag
Industrialization of a Cell Based Autologous Therapy Targeting Diabetes: Industrialization of Liver Cell Amplification Process from Culture Dish to Xpansion™ Multi-Plate Bioreactor
Sara Ferber
Orgenesis, Israel
Israel Flag
11:40 -12:00 Microgel Suspension Culture System for hMSCs Bioprocessing
Dror Seliktar
Technion, Israel
Israel Flag

Differential Methylation of the GGGGCC Repeat Expansion between C9/ALS HESCs and Patient-Derived iPS Cells
Rachel Eiges
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag
The “Yellow Brick Road” to Methods Validation for Human Cell Therapy Products
Ruth Goldberg
Pluristem, Israel
Israel Flag
Development of an Endocrine Micro-Pancreas
Eduardo Mitrani
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag
12:00 -12:20 Cardiac Tissue Engineering: from Development of Engineered Autologous Tissues to the Fabrication of Bionic Hearts
Sharon Fleischer
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Israel Flag
Latent Infection and Reactivation of the Human-Specific Pathogenic Virus Varicella Zoster using hESC-Derived Neurons- an in-Vitro Model for Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
Ron Goldstein
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Israel Flag
Risk Based Thinking in Shipping Logistics
Ilana Avhar
World Courier, Israel
Israel Flag
The βAir Immune Barrier, A Potent Machinery for Protecting Xenogeneic Islets and Stem-Cell Based β-cells from Host Immune Systemβ-cells from Host Immune System
Uriel Barkai
ßeta-O2 Technologies Ltd. Israel
Israel Flag
12:30 -13:30 lunch  Lunch break
Hall A Hall B Hall C Hall D
  Programming of Adult Tissues Epigenetics of Stem Cells Combination Products:
Cells, Genes and Devices
In collaboration with

Biology and Translation of Cell Technologies
13:30 -15:10
Chair: Sara Ferber Chair: Yehudit Bergman Chair:
Yael Porat, Ohad Karnieli
Chair: Yaron Fuchs
13:30 -13:50 Generating Insulin Producing Cells by Transcription Factor-Induced Lliver Cell Transdifferentiation
Sara Ferber
Orgenesis / Sheba Medical Center, Israel
Israel Flag
Epigenetic Programming of Stem Cell Fate Decisions
Yehudit Bergman
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag
Bringing Cell Therapies to Every Clinic - Vision and Practical Means
Yael Porat (10min)
BioGenCell Ltd, Israel
Israel Flag

Devises as a Tool to Standardize Cell and Gene Therapy - New Means to Make Cell Therapy Widely Available
Ohad Karnieli (10 min)
Karnieli Ltd, Israel
Israel Flag

Next Generation Cell Therapy Manufacturing
Eytan Abraham (15 min)
Lonza, USA

Engineering of Vascularized Flap Using Human Adipose Derived Endothelial Cells and Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Yulia Shandalov (15 min)
Technion, Israel
Israel Flag

Laser Stimulated Stem Cells in the Bone Marrow has Beneficial Effect on the Ischemic Heart and Kidney–a Bench to Bedside Study
Uri Oron (15 min)
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Israel Flag

Challenges in Developing Serum-Free Xeno-Free Differentiation Media for hMSC from Various Sources Toward Cell Therapy
Mira Genser-Nir (15 min)
Biological Industries, Israel
Israel Flag

Israeli Activity in the International ISO TC276 Standards for Biotechnology
Sagi Nahum (15 min)
Pluristem, Israel
Israel Flag
SEPT4/ARTS Regulates Stem Cell Apoptosis and Skin Regenration
Yaron Fuchs
Technion, Israel
Israel Flag
13:50 -14:10 Stem Cells are Key Players in Novel Skeletal Therapies
Dan Gazit
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag
Epitranscriptomics - the Roles of mRNA Modification in Early Embryonic Cell Fate Decisions
Sharon Moshkovitz
Sheba Medical Center, Israel
Israel Flag
Metabolic Shifts in the Developing Tissue: A Potential Non-Genetic Means for Regulation of Cell Specification
Arieh Moussaieff
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag
14:10 -14:30 Programming the Adult Human Kidney
Benny Dekel
Sheba Medical Center, Israel
Israel Flag
Chromatin Plasticity in Early Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation: Imaging and in Silico Approaches
Eran Meshorer
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag
Higher Genomic Stability of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Cultured for Regenerative Purposes: Lessons From the Tissue Specific Nature of Cells Isolated from Different Adult Sources
Nir Shani
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Israel
Israel Flag
14:30 -14:50 The Fragile Identity of Pancreatic Beta Cells
Yuval Dor
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag
Epigenetic Predisposition to Reprogramming Fates
Iftach Nachman
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Israel Flag
Computer-Based Assessment of Embryo Quality for Infertility Clinical Applications
Amnon Buxboim
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag
14:50 -15:10 MicroRNAs Regulate Beta Cell Identity and Function
Eran Hornstein
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Israel Flag
Large Scale Analysis of Loss of Imprinting in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Shiran Bar
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag
Mechanism of Action Placental-Derived Cellular Therapy for the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease
Racheli Ofir
Pluristem, Israel
Israel Flag
15:10 -15:40 coffee  Coffee Break
15:40 -16:20
Plenary Session
mendez-ferrer headshot Blood Stem Cells in Space and Time
Dr Simón Méndez-Ferrer

Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge, UK
16:20 -16:30 GoldMedalAnnouncement of Winning Posters
Closing Remarks
Day1 Day2 Poster Session

Poster Session

1 Microrna-9a Regulates Aging of Germ Line Stem Cells Through N-Cadherin
Yoni Epstein, Human Biology, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

2 MicroRNAs in the Stem Cell Niche - the Key for Cellular Longevity
Marina Volin, Human Biology, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

3 In-House Preparation of DMEM from Powder: a Case Study in Cell Therapy Process Development
Yonatan Levinson, Pluristem Therapeutics, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

4 The Process Is The Product: A Novel Fully Automated, Controlled, Monitored and Scalable 2D Expansion System for Asc’s
Dotan Hoffman, Pluristem Therapeutics Ltd., Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

5 Bringing Cell Therapy up to Patient Bed Side – the Development of an Automated and Controlled Point of Care Cell Thawing Device
Anna Zaretsky Rits, Development, Pluristem Therapeutics, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

6 Mechanism of Action of PLX-PAD Cells in Muscle Regeneration
Dana Fuchs-Telem
, Pluristem Ltd., Haifa, Israel

Israel Flag

7 The Radio-Mitigating Effect of PLX-R18, a Placenta -Derived Cellular Therapy, in Hematopoetic Acute Radiation Syndrome
Pinzur Lena, Pluristem Ltd. Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

8 MiR-184 Promotes Keratinocyte Adhesion as Essential Part of the Differentiation Process and Barrier Formation
Friederike Leesch, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

9 Regulation of Pax6 and Sox2 in Eye Morphogenesis and Corneal Homeostasis by MIR450
Swarnabh Bhattacharya, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

10 MiR-184 Represses Keratinocyte Proliferation And Induces Stem Cell Differentiation
Sara Nagossa, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

11 Ras as a Switch between “Naïve” and “Primed” States of Pluripotency
Anna Altshuler, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

12 Extracellular Matrix-Based Gels as Cell Platform for Cardiac Regeneration
Yael Efraim, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

13 Liquefied Pancreatic ECM: a Novel Encapsulation Platform for Diabetes Therapy
Stasia Krishtul,Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

14 Nano-Ghosts for Selective Drug Delivery to and Across the Blood Brain Barrier
Noa Cohen Anavy, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

15 Tropoelastin coated porous scaffolds enhance vascular network formation of adipose derived endothelial and mesenchymal stem cells
Shira Landau, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

16 Forces and regulation of vascular network
Shira Landau, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

17 Flow bioreactor for on-line imaging of vasculogenic dynamic in 3D engineered tissue
Barak Zohar, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

18 Disease modeling and potential therapies for skin/corneal pathology: A lesson from pluripotent stem cells and mouse models.
Waseem Nasser, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

19 Human Endothelial Cells Isolated from an Adult Vein Form Vessel Networks within Engineered Muscle Grafts
Luba Perry, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Israel Flag

20 Adipogenesis of 3T3L1 Cells Subjected to Tensile Deformation under Various Glucose Concentrations
Maayan Lustig, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Israel Flag

21 The Epigenetic Characterization of Liver to Endocrine Pancreas Transdifferentiation
Adi Har-Zahav, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Israel Flag

22 The Common Transcriptome Signature of Human and Murine Oral Mucosa-Derived Stem Cells
Ina Arie, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Israel Flag

23 A Platform to Identify, Isolate and Target Cancer Stem Cells Using Late-Passage Patient-Derived Xenograft Model: Malignant Rhabdoid Tumor as an Example
Revital Caspi, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Israel Flag

24 DAP5-Dependent Translation is Required for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation
Yael Yoffe, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Israel Flag

25 The Role of miRNAs in Adult Cells Reprogramming along the Endocrine Pancreatic Lineage
Alex Osnis, TAU/Sheba Medical Center, Hod Ha Sharon, Israel
Israel Flag

26 Reprogramming of Human Somatic Cells into Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC) and Gene-Editing to Build Disease Specific in Vitro Models
Bjørn Holst, Bioneer A/S, Hoersholm, Denmark

27 Embryonic Stem Cells in Science and Agriculture
Sharon Schlesinger, Hebrew University, Rechovot, Israel
Israel Flag

28 Mesenchymal stem cells and their derived exosomes exert therapeutic effects in Duchenne muscular dystrophy in mouse and in vitro models
Ariel Bier, Bar-Ilan , Ramat-Gan University, Israel
Israel Flag

29 Heart Failure Environment Switches Resident and Transplanted Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Toward a Pro-Inflammatory Phenotype and Impairs Their Reparative Properties via Toll Like Receptor-4
Nili Naftali-Shani, Tel-Hashomer, Israel
Israel Flag

30 Spontaneous Single-Copy Loss of TP53 in Human Embryonic Stem Cells Markedly Increases Cell Proliferation and Survival
Hadar Amir, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical center, Tel Aviv, Israel
Israel Flag

31 Isolated Subpopulation of Highly Potent Human Derived Expanded Placental Stromal Cells (hPSC) in Regenerative Medicine and for Mitigation Acute Lethal Radiation Syndrome
Evgenia Volinsky, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag

32 The NK killer receptor Ncr1 shapes tumor architecture to prevent metastasis
Ariella Glasner, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag

33 Reversion of FMR1 methylation and silencing by editing the triplet repeats in Fragile-X iPSC-derived neurons
Tomer Halevy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag

34 Derivation and Differentiation of Haploid Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Ido Sagi, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag

35 Unbiased Screening For Chemotherapy Resistance Genes Using Haploid Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Mordecai Peretz, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag

36 VEGF is Both Essential and Sufficient for Increasing Overall Hematopoietic Output via Generating Stable Extra-Medullary Stem Cell Niches
Myriam Grunewald, Dev Biol & Cancer Res, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag

37 Engineering of Contractile Human Cardiac Tissue from Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Cardiomyocytes in a Chemically-defined 3D Culture
Dana Hayoun-Neeman, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
Israel Flag

38 Ex-Vivo Induced Regulatory Human/Murine Mesenchymal Stem Cells as Immune Modulators
Osnat Almogi-Hazan, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag

39 Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Derived Exosomes as Immunomodulators – Molecular Mechanisms
Drirh Khare, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel
Israel Flag

40 Generation of Clinically Compatible and Genetically Stable iPS Cell Lines from Human Peripheral and Cord Blood Using Microrna-Facilitated Srrna Reprogramming
Brad Hamilton, Stemgent, USA

Program Sessions

The organizing committees will consider abstracts for oral and poster presentations on the following topics:

Basic  Science:

Translational and Clinical Research:

  • The Biology of Pluripotency
  • Hematopoietic and Mesenchymal Stem Cells
  • Pluripotent Stem Cells in Disease
  • Stem cells in Tissue Engineering
  • Epigenetics of Stem Cells
  • Programming of Adult Tissues
  • Stem Cells in Neurobiology
  • Tissue Regeneration and Stem Cells
  • Translation – New Technologies and Products
  • Commercialization of Stem Cells Initiatives
  • Combination Products: Cells, Genes and Devices
  • Cancer Immunotherapy
  • Regulation, Quality and Clinical Development
  • Connective Tissues, Orthopedics and Tissue Engineering
  • Stem Cell Applications in:
    • Cardiac and Vascular Diseases
    • Metabolic Disorders and Diabetes
    • Neural Degenerative Diseases
  • Drug Discovery and Disease Modeling

For more information and questions please contact Reut Lazar by phone +972-(0)8-931-3078 or e-mail