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ביופורום מרכז ידע יישומי בע"מ
לפרטים בנושא הרשמה : נעמה אהרון
טל: 08-9313070
פקס: 08-9313071
לפרטים נוספים בנושא הכנס: רעות לזר
טל: 08-9313078

kaliaISO9001:2008 certified, GxP compliant biorepository/biobanking of biological specimens (e.g. blood/serum/plasma, tissues, cells and molecules) obtained from R&D, pre-clinical and clinical trial monitoring and cell based therapies. Associated services: transportation, inventory data management.  Additional laboratory services include: blood fractionation, PBMC separation, cell culturing, DNA/RNA extraction, bioanalytical testing e.g. cytokines