Isranalytica 2015.mp4 from Bioforum on Vimeo.
It was an exciting, interesting and fruitful meeting.
The success of this event is attributable mainly to the active participants of the meeting – plenary speakers, keynote speakers, oral presenters, poster presenters, exhibitors and the audience.
Isranalytica 2015 organizing committee wishes to thank each and every one of you!
Meeting Statistics:
Total participants: 3150 visitors over two days.
Exhibition: 62 Vendors
The ISRANALYTICA 2015 Conference and Exhibition, the 18th Annual Meeting of the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society, took place on January 14th – 15th, 2015, at the David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
The annual meetings of the Israel Analytical Chemical Society have become some of the largest annual analytical chemistry conferences in the world.
The Exhibition
Isranalytica exhibition is the largest analytical chemistry exhibition in Israel.
This year, the event included all the major companies, suppliers and service providers in Israel, and an exhibitor from abroad. The large venue enabled a perfect atmosphere for networking and sharing new ideas.
For full gallery of the Exhibition please click here
קטלוג תערוכת ישראנליטיקה

Scientific Program
The scientific program in 2015 included: plenary lectures, keynote lectures, and poster presentations delivered by top international scientists. This year a new session for Posters Oral Presentations was added and was a big success.
For full gallery of the Lecture Hall please click here
Distribution of Lecturers Origin
Austria |
1 |
Czech Republic |
1 |
Cyprus |
2 |
Georgia |
2 |
Germany |
6 |
Israel |
75 |
Italy |
10 |
Netherlands |
2 |
Russia |
2 |
Republic of Korea |
3 |
Switzerland |
1 |
Sweden |
3 |
South Africa |
1 |
UK |
1 |
United States |
13 |

Lifetime Achievement Award
to Dr. Haim T. Varkony
The Israel Analytical Chemistry Society
Presented a Lifetime Achievement Award to:Dr. Haim T. Varkony
For his contribution to the Advancement of Analytical Chemistry in Israel
Poster Awards
Three prestigious poster awards were granted by the Organizing Committee to outstanding posters in the general assembly of the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society:
Israel Analytical Chemistry Society Award in memory of Dr. Jehuda Yinon
The Israel Analytical Chemistry Society
Award in memory of Dr. Jehuda Yinon
Is granted to
Shifra Jammer
for her work on
Enantioselective and Compound Specific Isotope Analyses (CSIA) for Mechanistic Investigations of chiral organic contaminants in the environment
Best Service Supplier of the Year
Award for Outstanding Commitment to Credible, Courteous, Quality & Professional Excellence
This year we the “best service supplier of the year” award, determined by a vote among participants, was awarded to
All vendors were nominated for this award and participants voted online.
For full gallery of Awards please click here
Entertainment and Social Events:
Festive Dinner
The tradition festive annual dinner, attended by the Organizing Committee and plenary lecturers, was held on the second night of Isranalytica 2015. Entertainment was provided by ensemble Cafe Paris.
The summing meeting of the scientific committee
The meeting of the scientific committee and Bioforum presenters was held at the end of the conference. The achievements of this conference were discusses alongside with changes and progress that will take place next year.
See You Next Year