The Eastern Mediterranean Chemical Engineering Conferences (EMCCs) are a series of meetings that bring together academics in Chemical Engineering Departments at the Mediterranean basin plus an American delegation. The aim of these tri-annual meetings, whose venues rotate among the participating countries, is to discuss challenges and developments that are important to all sides, as well as to pave the way for long-term scientific collaboration between Chemical Engineers in the region.
It is our pleasure to announce that the 8th EMCC meeting will take place in the city of Haifa, Israel, on February 26, 2017 - March 1, 2017
There are no a-priori restrictions on areas and topics, so far as they belong to the Chemical Engineering discipline in its broad sense.
The Organizing Committee,
Prof. Yaron Paz, Conference Chair, Israel |
Prof. Slava Freger, Vice-Chair, Israel |
Prof. Oren Regev, Vice-Chair, Israel |
Prof. Steve Cramer, USA |
Prof. Maria Klapa, Greece |
Prof. Sabrina Pricl, Italy |
Prof. Yuda Yurum, Turkey |