Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GCxGC) – Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry: A Powerful Tool for Finding and Quantifying Historical and Emerging Environmental Contaminants in Water
Dr. Jack Cochran
Restek, Bellefonte, USA
Jack Cochran is a recognized expert in GC and GCxGC for the analysis of pesticides, PCBs, explosives, PAHs, PCDDs, PCDFs, BFRs, and similar priority pollutants in food, soils, sediments, air, water, and other matrices. He uses his years of real-world experience in method development, sample preparation, and analysis to help chromatographers worldwide and is still a “hands on” scientist, spending as much time in the laboratory as possible. Jack is frequently invited to speak at major scientific conferences—especially for his work with GC injection techniques, GCxGC, and QuEChERS—and is a founding member of the Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop, currently held annually in January at the Ontario Ministry of the Environment in Toronto. He serves on the Organizing Committee for the Florida Pesticide Residue Workshop / North American Chemical Residue Workshop and was the President in 2010. Jack is also an adjunct professor in the Forensic Science Program at The Pennsylvania State University.