The Chairman invitation letter
Dear colleagues, On behalf of the Organizing Committee it is my pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Workshop on Human Errors and Quality of Chemical Analytical Results, in conjunction with ISRANALYTICA 2015, the Conference and Exhibition. The Workshop will take place on 13 January 2015 at the Dan Panorama Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel. The ISRANALYTICA is planned from 14 to 15 January 2015 at the neighboring David Intercontinental Hotel. For more details about the events, see in
A similar workshop on human errors was organized successfully in 2013, a report is available at
The idea of the current workshop is that the quality management system approach, applied for chemical analytical (testing) laboratories, provides continual improvement of a laboratory quality system. One of the improvement directions is prevention of human errors. However, human activity is never free from errors: they are root causes of the majority of incidents and accidents. In analytical chemistry human errors may lead to atypical test results of questionable reliability. There are, for example, out-of-specification test results that fall outside the established specifications in the pharmaceutical industry, or do not comply with regulatory, legislation or specification limits in other industries and fields such as environmental and food analysis. When an atypical test result is identified, it is important to determine the root causes of the event and to avoid recurrence of such results. Where no limits have yet been established (e.g., for an environmental object or a new material), human errors may lead to incorrect evaluation of the tested property. Thus, a study of human errors is necessary in any field of analytical chemistry. Any laboratory demonstrating competence in analytical chemistry and conformity assessment should also be able to develop relevant, human error related, corrective and preventive actions.
The workshop will be organized by the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society (IACS) with participation of Israel Laboratory Accreditation Authority (ISRAC), in cooperation with International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Cooperation on International Traceability in Analytical Chemistry (CITAC), and A Focus for Analytical Chemistry in Europe (Eurachem), sponsored by SIGMA-ALDRICH Corporation and arranged by Bioforum Ltd.
Abstracts of your contributions, lectures or posters (up to 300 words), and a short CV (up to 100 words) are welcome till 1 August 2014. Please send them to Dr. Ilya Kuselman,
Dr. Ilya Kuselman,
Workshop Chairman