קול קורא להגשת מועמדות לפרס עבור
מחקר בתחום הכימיה האנליטית לזכרו של ד"ר יהודה ינון לזכרו של ד"ר ינון, משפחתו מבקשת לתמוך בחוקרים צעירים מישראל על ידי הענקת פרס כספי לחוקר או קבוצת חוקרים עבור מחקר מצטיין בתחום הכימיה האנליטית. חוקר המבקש להגיש מועמדות לקבלת הפרס, יעביר:
ועדה המורכבת ממדענים בעלי שם בתחום הכימיה האנליטית, הכימיה הפיסיקלית של חומרי נפץ ומנציג המשפחה, תבחר מבין המועמדים את הזוכה בפרס, תוך התייחסות לשיקולים הבאים:
הגשת מועמדות לפרס, בצירוף המסמכים הנדרשים, יש לשלוח לכתובת דוא"ל prize.jy@gmail.com עד ליום 11 בדצמבר 2014. בברכה,
The 2015, Israel Analytical Chemistry, ICAS - Jehuda Yinon Award
The selection committee and the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society are delighted to announce that the doctoral student Shifra Jammer is the year 2015 recipients of the Jehuda Yinon Award for an outstanding research in Analytical Chemistry. The award is given for the research on Enantioselective and Compound Specific Isotope Analyses (CSIA) for Mechanistic Investigations of chiral organic contaminants in the environment. The recipient is a Ph.D student working with Professor Ovadia Lev from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The Jehuda Yinon award was endowed by the family of Professor Jehuda Yinon, an analytical chemistry pioneer and world leader in forensic science. The Yinon award is given annually by the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society to outstanding young scientists for research in analytical chemistry.
This year the award is given for the study on the use of enentioneric and compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) for pollution source tracking. Shifra Jammers’ research is based on the analogy between pairs of stable isotopmers and chiral enantiomer pairs; both are similar or even identical by their chemical composition and physical properties. She demonstrated that the enantioselective analysis of contaminants can provide an additional source tracking tool. The researcher has demonstrated for the first time that the Rayleigh equation, which is frequently used to describe isotope fractionation as a function of conversion, is suitable for enantioselective analysis. Moreover, this research expands the use of enantioselective analysis for the prediction of the fate of classes of compounds by using quantitative structure-activity relationship models to provide the quantitative relationship between the molecular structure and the Rayleigh constant of the enantiomeric enrichment. In terms of the analytical community, this study shows for the first time how to integrate enantiomeric and isotopic analysis in the ppt level, in order to learn about the sources of water pollution.
The selection committee noted the novel scientific approach, the high quality of the research, and the potential importance of the research findings for the analysis of various pollutants and their sources.
The award will be officially presented to the recipient on January 14th, 2015 during Isranalytica 2015, the official conference of the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society.
Signed by members of the selection committee:
Dr. Shmuel Zitrin (Chairman)
Adv. Moshe Yinon (Family representative)
Dr. Talya Arusi-Parpar
Professor Eli Grushka (President of the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society)