Here we went through the incredible conference ISRANALYTICA 2018, which took place on Tuesday, 23-24 / 01/2018 at the David Intercontinental Hotel in Tel Aviv, Israel.
The conference was attended by 3250 members from all over the country, as well as guests from abroad who were impressed by the quality and size of the conference.
For the first time, the conference included a full-fledged double session dealing with cannabis and analytical technologies on issues related to it.
Isranalytica 2018 organizing committee wishes to thank each and every one of you!
We hope to see you next year at 22-23 January,2019
Meeting Statistics:
Total participants: 3250 visitors over two days.
Exhibition: 66 Vendors
The ISRANALYTICA 2018 Conference and Exhibition, the 21st Annual Meeting of the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society, took place on January 23th–245th, 2018, at the David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
The annual meetings of the Israel Analytical Chemical Society have become one of the largest annual analytical chemistry conferences in the world.
The Exhibition
Isranalytica exhibition is the largest analytical chemistry exhibition in Israel. This year, the event included all the major companies, suppliers and service providers in Israel, and an exhibitor from abroad. The large venue enabled a perfect atmosphere for networking and sharing new ideas.

Scientific Program
The scientific program in 2018 included: International plenary lectures, keynote lectures, posters oral presentations and poster presentations delivered by top international scientists. For the first time, the conference included a full-fledged double session dealing with cannabis and analytical technologies on issues related to it.
Poster Awards
Three prestigious poster awards were granted by the organizing committee to outstanding posters at the Annual Meeting of the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society:
Open Probe Fast GC-MS for Medical Diagnostics and Real Time Drug Pills Analysis Uri Keshet Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel |
Mass Spectroscopy for Detecting Epigenetic Variations in Blood Cancer Tamar Shahal Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel |
Trace Detection of G-Nerve Agents in Various Environmental Matrices Utilizing Derivatization and LC-MS Analysis Moran Madmon IIBR, Ness Ziona, Israel |
The Israel Analytical Chemistry Society Awards
Life Achievement Award
is granted to Dr. Haim Schlesinger for his lifelong contribution to the Israeli analytical chemistry community
The Grushka Aaward
The Israel Analytical Chemistry Society Award in memory of Prof. Eli Grushka is granted to Mr. Andrea Buffa for his research on Carbon Nanotube Based Flow-Through Sensor for Electrochemical Monitoring of Pollutants in Water
Best service supplier of the year
Award for Outstanding Commitment to Credible, Courteous, Quality & Professional Excellence This year the “best service supplier of the year” award, determined by a vote among participants, was awarded to GOLIK
The summing meeting of the scientific committee
The meeting of the scientific committee and Bioforum presenters was held at the end of the conference. The achievements of this conference were discusses alongside with changes and progress that will take place next year.