08:00 – 09:10 |
Registration |
09:10 – 09:20 |
Opening Igal Gozlan, Chairman of the Isranalytica 2017 Conference  |
09:20 – 09:30 |
Musical Interlude |
09:30 - 10:20 |
Plenary Session – Mass spectrometry |
How to Reach Ultrahigh Resolution in Mass Spectrometry and How Can We Use it for Analytical Purposes Evgeny Nikolaev Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Chair: Aviv Amirav |
10:20 - 10:50 |
Coffee Break |
Hall A |
Hall B |
Hall C |
Hall D |
Session A |
Session B |
Session C |
Session D |
Forensic and Homeland Security Analysis |
Food and Agriculture Analysis |
Metrology, Quality and Chemometrics (I) |
Chair: Igal Bar Ilan |
Chair: Udi Wolf |
Chair: Paulina Goldshlag |
Chair: Ilya Kuselman |
10:50 - 11:20
Keynote |
GC-MS with Cold EI and its Novel Enhancement Technologies Aviv Amirav Tel Aviv University, Israel  |
Chemical Injuries and Destructive Fire: a Bizarre Incident Caused by White Phosphorus Dan Muller DIFS, Israel Police, Israel |
1 Rapid NMR Method for Simultaneous Analysis of Moisture and Fat in Food samples Maxin Diel CEM Corporation, Germany |
Nordtest Handbook on Internal Quality Control Bertil Magnusson RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Sweden  |
11:20 - 11:40 |
Comprehensive 2D Gas Chromatography Combined with Rapid-Scanning Triple Quadrupole MS: Powerful Tools for the Analysis of Complex Samples Mariosimone Zoccali Chromaleont srl, Italy |
Polymeric Reagents for the Detection of Urea Nitrate Yoav Barkan The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel |
Electronic Tongue as First Analytical Tool for Evaluation of Sweetness Enhancement by Sugars-Coated Silica Particles Michael Zviely Douxmatok Ltd., Israel |
Certification of Marine Toxins by Quantitative NMR and Isotope Dilution MS at the Highest Metrological Level Markus Obkircher Merck, Switzerland  |
11:40 - 12:00 |
Rapid Analytical Method for Assessing the Quality of Medical Equipment Components Using Multiple Data (Big-Data) Igal Bar Ilan Bioforum, Israel  |
Analysis of Novel Thermostable and Insensitive Energetic Coordination Polymers Adva Cohen Tel Aviv University, Israel |
What’s in Your Food? Accurately Find and Identify Residues and Contaminants with Advances in LC-MS/MS Jens Dahlmann Sciex,Germany |
Best Practices for Increasing Laboratory Efficiency Hellmuth Broda PerkinElmer, Switzerland |
12:00 - 12:20 |
Identification and Quantification of Hydraulic Fluid Contamination in Jet Fuel Konstantin Tartakovsky IAF, Israel |
A Trip Down San Pedro Cactus Lane Simcha Shimron DIFS, Israel Police, Israel  |
Electronic Nose and Tongue - Advance Analytical Tools in Research and Industrial Applications Ofir Benjamin Tel Hai College, Israel |
Designing Calibrators Preparation Methodology for Instrumental Quantifications Ricardo Bettencourt da Silva University of Lisbon, Portugal |
12:20 – 12:40 |
Unique Selectivity & Capabilities of Ionic Liquid GC Capillary Columns Paul Rodwell Merck/Sigma-Aldrich Company Ltd, UK |
Analysis of Fingerprints on Petrol Bombs Ido Hefetz DIFS, Israel Police, Israel |
The Methodology of Application of Liquid-Liquid Extraction for Sample Preparation of Water, Soil and Various Kinds of Agricultural and Food Products for Their Ecological Safety Control by Chromatographic Methods Mikhail Zayats Institute of Plant Protection, Republic of Belarus |
Determination of Water Content in Solid Matrices: How to Establish Metrological Traceability? Michela Sega Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy |
12:40 - 13:00 |
Confirmatory Semen Detection by Combination of Prostate Specific Antigen Detection and Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Ilan Feine DIFS, Israel Police, Israel

12:40 - 14:00 |
Lunch Break and Poster Presentations |
14:00 - 14:10 |
Yinon Awards Ceremony |
14:10 - 14:15 |
Musical Interlude |
14:15 - 15:05 |
Plenary Session – Forensic |
Organic Chemists: A Help or Hindrance to Forensic Drug Chemists? Pierce Kavanagh School of Medicine, Ireland Chair: Joseph Almog |
15:05 - 15:35 |
Coffee Break |
Hall A |
Hall B |
Hall C |
Hall D |
Session E |
Session F |
Session G |
Session H |
Separation Science (LC, CE, GC etc.) |
General Interest & New Instruments |
Metrology, Quality and Chemometrics (II) |
Chair: Aviv Amirav |
Chair: Shula Levin |
Chair: Igal Gozlan |
Chair: Michela Sega |
15:35- 16:05
Keynote |
Ambient MS Based Analytical Platform for Identification of Brain Tumor Tissues Igor Popov Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia  |
Calafate (Berberis Microphylla G. Forst) a Promising Superfruit from Patagonia Claudia Mardones University of Concepcion, Chile  |
Hydrophobic Uptake, Transport and Release Using Gold Nanoparticle Supraspheres Offer Zeiri NRCN, Israel  |
Total Risk of a False Decision on Conformity of a Multicomponent Material Due to Measurement Uncertainty Ilya Kuselman Independent Consultant on Metrology, Israel  |
16:05 - 16:25 |
LC-MS for Quantifying an Epigenetic Motif Tamar Shahal Tel Aviv University, Israel |
Role of the Cyclodextins in Chiral Separations Zoltan Juvancz Obuda University, Hungary  |
Hyphenated Techniques: Technical Solutions to Combine TGA with FTIR and GC/MS Gal Openhaim PerkinElmer, Israel |
Nitrogen Oxides Analysis: Application of Dynamic Dilution to Instrument Calibration Francesca Pennecchi Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy  |
16:25- 16:45 |
Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometer: Advancements in the Standardization of Collision Cross Section Measurements to Advancements in 4D Data Mining Tools David Weil Agilent Technologies, USA |
Wide Pore Monolithic Silica of Various Functionalization: Protein A, C18, C8 and C4, in High Performance Liquid Chromatography for Large Molecule Separations Egidijus Machtejevas Merck KGaA, Germany |
Optical Profiling: a Workhorse for Fast Metrology Analysis of Microfluidic Devices, Micro-Needle Production and Forensics Vamsi Velidandla Zeta Instruments, USA  |
The Multipurpose Technique for Testing Reversed-Phase HPLC Packings in the Method Validation Study Konstantin Sychev Elsico-Eesti OU, Estonia  |
16:45– 17:05 |
Environmental and Food Safety Applications of Tandem Mass Spectrometry Using a Novel Flow-Based Design of Ion Optics Ariovaldo Bisi PerkinElmer, Italy |
The New Versatility of High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography Raphael Vizzini CAMAG, Switzerland  |
Africa: the New Frontier in Frugal Innovations in Chemical Analysis Platforms Samuel Mugo MacEwan University, Canada |
Estimation of the Feasible Solutions in Determining Parameters of Symmetrical Overlapping Peaks Joseph Dubrovkin Western Galilee College, Israel  |
17:05 - 17:25 |
Evaluation of High Resolution Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry QTOF-MS for Isomer Separation And its Application on Isomeric Flavonoids in Propolis Extracts Martina Macht Bruker, Germany |
Advanced Nano-Electrical Characterization of Bidimensional Materials and Solar Cells with Atomic Force Microcopy Paco Martinez CSI, France  |
17:25-18:00 |
18:00 - 18:45 |
Evening Plenary Session |
The Cannabinoids: Recent Progress in Chemistry, Pharmacology and the Clinic Raphael Mechoulam Hebrew University, Israel  |
18:45 - 20:30 |